About Our Sensei

IMA was founded by Sensei Mark Shavron in 2007. Over the years, IMA has grown and impacted the lives of many individuals and strives to positively impact many more through the teaching of Isshin-Ryū karate and self-defence training.

Sensei Mark Shavron

Master Kelly Cere

Master Kelly Cere

Kelly Cere began studying karate in the summer of 1978 when her best friend’s stepfather took both of them under his wing and began teaching them the fundamental core skills. When that ended, Kelly continued to practice until she was able to join a karate school in 1985. When that day finally came, her persistent curiosity and tenacious efforts paid off with the awarding of her Sho-dan (1st black belt rank) in December 1988.  The years since have been a passionate pace of training and teaching others for the betterment of the karate world.  In 2017 Kelly earned the rank of hachi-dan. (8th rank)

Throughout her tenure as an engineer working at the Kodak Eastman company, Kelly volunteered her time running and teaching at several area karate schools and competing multiple times a year.  Never taking a single payment so that karate never “became work,” her teaching has reached thousands of students across many schools. Nearly 45 years later, she constantly reaches out to and trains with masters in the martial arts to bring back that enrichment to others.

In 2022 Kelly designed the patch that many of us wear depicting Grand Master Tatsuo Shimabuku.  The sale of these patches directly funds her efforts to equip and sponsor students in need and focus on “paying forward” the positive influence that others have invested in her.

Sensei Edwin Vega

Sensei Matt Koetz

Matt Koetz started training in 2013 after watching his son in class for several months. He earned his black belt in 2016, and was promoted to second degree (nidan) in 2018, and third degree (sandan) in 2023. His two children have also achieved the rank of black belt. He enjoys teaching math at his day job at Nazareth University and karate at IMA.

Sensei Katy Christman

Sensei Phoebe Morales

Phoebe Morales started training in 2016. She achieved her black belt in 2022 and earned her second degree (nidan) in 2024. Phoebe enjoys training at the dojo regularly. She particularly enjoys sparring and the kata Bo Bo Kumite. Outside karate she attends Irondequoit High School and enjoys making origami chickens for her chicken army.

Sensei Mike Leonard

Mike Leonard started training in late 2019 after becoming tired of watching his kids have all the fun at the dojo. In 2023, he was awarded his blackbelt. In his time outside the dojo, Mike makes and sells traditional martial arts weapons and is a visual artist who oversees operations for the Studio Art program at the University of Rochester.

Sensei Oliviyah Rodriguez

Oliviyah Rodriguez, also known as “Lollie,” began her training in 2016 alongside her younger sister. She grew up in the dojo, watching her older brother train since 2009. She achieved her black belt in 2022 at the age of 14 and is now working towards earning her 2nd degree in the fall of 2024. The dojo is like a second home to her, where she enjoys helping and training with others, as well as teaching younger karate students. She finds joy in participating in tournaments, sparring, and improving her overall karate technique. Outside of the dojo, she stays active and pursues her other hobbies such as dance, drawing, and makeup artistry, including nail art. Oliviyah is working towards obtaining a degree and license in makeup artistry and nail art, which she is set to achieve in 2025 at the age of 18. She has also been inducted into the National Technical Honor Society at the age of 17. As Oliviyah works hard towards her goals, her main ambition after graduating from West Irondequoit High School is to pursue a career as a beauty technician.